Category: A Deeper Walk (page 1 of 2)

You Are Special by Max Lucado | Book Review

You Are Special 3

I think I came out of the womb insecure. I remember how horrible I felt in first grade when I got glasses. How ugly I felt. My lens have always been thick, like the bottom of Coke-bottles.

When I was in high school and throughout college, I was the type of person that if you and I disagreed, I assumed you were right and I was wrong.

I became a follower of Christ at the age of 23. It took until I was really in my late 30s when a real transformation began to happen.

The Holy Spirit began to lead me to memorize verse after verse about who I was in God’s eyes. Who He created me to be. What His Word said about me.

My TRUE value. Continue reading

Don’t Throw In The Towel

We all know what it’s like to want to give up. Those of us in the chronic illness realm especially struggle with balancing our ambitions with our bodies that don’t want to cooperate.

I was at that place of giving up when I went to bed last night.

Giving up on this website. Giving up on striving to have a home business so I can be available for my family. Giving up on trying to create a pay-to-access, Christian-based, chronic illness life coaching website, using my illness for the glory of God.

Giving up on what I know God wants me to do to serve Him with my life.

If I just give up, all the aggravation of trying to get all the components to work correctly all at the same time would just go away. A huge burden would be lifted.

But I would be disobedient and I would disappoint my Heavenly Father.

I read the following scripture passage late last night. Let’s not give in to giving up, but press on toward the prize.


Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.
As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.
For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.
They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you.
But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead,
so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body,
but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

The end of all things is near.
Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:1-11 NIV
(Emphasis mine)


I grew up in a time when transgenderism wasn’t even on the average person’s radar. What a strange concept, relegated to the sub-culture of our society.

Times have changed.

Transgenderism is now touching the lives of many, including Christians. We personally know a few people who are struggling with gender confusion.

I’ve found a few videos and articles that I feel shed light on this topic, including from a Christian perspective. I am including a couple at the bottom of this article. (I may add more in the future so check back periodically)

Here are some important points that are necessary to understand the big picture:

Transgenders are PEOPLE and Christ died for them, just like He did for me.

Transgenders have the same value in God’s eyes as I do.

Our enemy, the devil, hates everyone and seeks to destroy them,
because we were created in the image of God,
and he hates God.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
1 Peter 5:8 KJV

There is a wonderful article entitled How Should We Respond To Caitlyn Jenner over at I think it really speaks to how we as Followers of Christ can respond to this troubling situation. The author admonishes us to respond with compassion, with prayer, and with truthful love. The link to this article and a few others are below the video.

The following video does a wonderful job of showing the big picture of where this trend is taking our society and how our enemy (the devil) seeks to use it for his own destructive plan as we barrel head-long towards the end-time.

Human Re-Orientation Guiding Humanity Toward The Final Deception! by Nicholson1968
(Narrated by Pastor Tim Tyler)

Some additional resources:

DG: How Should We Respond To Caitlyn Jenner

Focus On The Family : Transgenderism ~ Our Position

Focus On The Family Google search for “Transgenderism”

DG: What Gives Us The Right To Label Transgender Impulses As Wrong

Desiring God archive search for “Transgenderism”

Mental Health, Transgenderism and Endocrine Disruptors


Joni and Ken: An Untold Love Story – Joni Eareckson Tada & Ken Tada

Joni and Ken


Joy Ross ~ The Joy-Filled Blind Lady

My mother receives Arthritis Today magazine, which she shares with me. After I scan any articles I’m interested in I pass them on to a young man we’ve befriended at one of our local convenience stores. His name is Matthew and at the age of 24 he’s already been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and has had a hip replacement.

I’m currently working through some old issues I came across while cleaning out my stacks of magazines and I saw an article about Joy Ross and her two young daughters. Joy was diagnosed at age 3 with Rheumatoid Arthritis and later with Uveitis, which robbed her of her sight. She is now totally blind. Unbelievably both of her daughters have been diagnosed with RA and her youngest also has Uveitis.

Because the article was a few years old, I thought I’d check out the Internet and see if I could find any current information regarding their conditions and I discovered she has a YouTube channel! You can check it out here.

What an unbelievable inspiration this woman is! What a tremendous testimony to the power of positivity!

Below are two videos of Joy walking with her guide dog Antonia a few blocks to her local Starbucks. Just the thought of walking beside and crossing traffic while being completely blind frightens me to death! I think I’d just stay home and make my own coffee! But that’s the point. She’s striving to live life to the fullest in spite of her blindness and encouraging others to do the same.

These videos really inspire me to be thankful for all that I have and to not complain.

In this first video Joy and Antonia are alone during the daytime.

In the second video she is with her daughter, in the dark, walking on ice and snow.


The Heart of Christmas by Matthew West

Perfect song for Christmas day!


Making “Real Life” Christmas Cookies

I had to laugh last night while I was in the process of making Christmas cookies.

First of all, my kitchen (and my house) is small so it’s a challenge to move all the normal things on the kitchen counters off so you have room to do things like roll out and decorate cookies. Plus finding space to set up the cooling racks. I’m not complaining, but it really can be a bit nerve racking to find somewhere to go with everything, sometimes for a few days while you make mounds of cookies!

And this year we have the puppy so I can’t put the crock full of cooking utensils over in the corner on the floor, unless I want to find them all over the house with bite marks in them!

When I was growing up (and even now), my mother never decorated a cookie with icing like you see in the magazines. She grew up on a farm and there simply wasn’t money or time for such things. Plus, my mother is not really crafty so she had no interest in even trying.

My girls and I tried once or twice when they were little, but I found that not only did they never look like the store-bought ones or the ones in magazines, but once you stored them stacked in a container (even with waxed paper between), they just didn’t look the same and it was a big disappointment. Growing up we just simply used sprinkles and that’s the way I choose to make them too. Nice and simple.

So today I had rolled out, cut out, and decorated the cookies with sprinkles and I was so excited because I LOVE cut out sugar cookies, when I took a moment to survey my creations as I was putting them in the oven, and I had to chuckle.

Here were these simple cut-out cookies, made from my beloved grandmother’s sugar cookie recipe, sitting among the mess of excess sprinkles strewn all over my scratched up cookie sheets, in my little kitchen that was a wreck, and I couldn’t be happier or more excited! It didn’t matter that they didn’t look like the cookies on Pinterest, or that I’ve had my cookie sheets for years and they were scratched up. Who cares?!

I love my grandmother’s Christmas cookies, I love my little house, I love ALL our animals, I love ALL my family and I love Jesus!


During this busy holiday season, don’t forget to wish someone a Merry Christmas, and be grateful for ALL the little things you have!

Christmas Cookies 2

Christmas Cookies 1

Christmas Cookies 3


The Curse Of Murmuring And Complaining

Do everything without grumbling or arguing
Philippians 2:14 NIV

Everything, Lord? Everything?? How do you even do that?!

The Lord has been dealing with me for a long time about complaining and how it seeps into our everyday lives. Even the little things.

It can reflect a heart filled with a lack of gratitude, immature character, or demonic activity. Either way, it opens the doorway for curses to be spoken over our lives. At the very least it can block God’s blessings.

I don’t want to block ANY of God’s blessings for my life ~ do you?!

I have found the idea of stopping ALL complaining all at once just too overwhelming and I was becoming discouraged and feeling like a failure. Start small, like not swearing when you can’t find your keys. Or not responding at all when you drop your fork. Pick ONE THING and work on getting victory in that area before moving on to the next thing.

Father, forgive us for our murmuring and complaining, and I break any curse that has come upon me or my family as a result of my complaining or the complaining of any of my family members. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

I found this video to be a real eye-opener:

Sheila Zilinsky and Carla Butaud: The Curse of Murmuring And Complaining:


Brandon Heath & Sawyer Brown

I spent the first half of my life really disliking people.

“I hate people!” would effortlessly roll off my lips. (I cringe just thinking about it now.)

Then I met Jesus. And He began to develop in me a love for HIS people, through HIS eyes.

These two videos reflect that desire to see people through the Maker’s eyes.

The first is Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath:

As I was learning to love people, I tried to teach my girls to remember that when someone is being mean or rude or angry, we don’t know what they are going through in their personal life or what they are experiencing on the inside, so we should strive to show grace.

And the more we understand how much grace God extends to us, the easier it is to extend it to others.

I find the next video to be very impactful in this area.

They Don’t Understand by Sawyer Brown:


Think A Minute Ministry

I’ve been working through my STACKS of magazines and papers for what seems like forever. This website has been brewing in me for over two decades ~ long before we had the Internet.

I have been saving articles to share for all this time, many of which I wanted to impart to my daughters. I didn’t know what form it would take, I just knew I was to save the magazines. Today, I have a scanner, a computer, and a website. I feel so blessed!

Many times I would read an article, then within a week or two I would have a conversation (sometimes more than one!) about that very topic. Many times I have made copies of articles to share with these ladies.

Often I would find health articles that I want to reference in a website article or book chapter. Or as a springboard for research.

So today, as I was going through yet another pile, I came across a February 7, 2010, Pentecostal Evangel issue that included an article about radio programs that are striving to reach the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of those ministries is Think A Minute.

It looks as though every time you visit the homepage “Today’s Thought” changes. If you like one of the thoughts, take a photo of it, bookmark it (under Today’s Thought) or copy it into Word so you don’t lose it. I like how sometimes the beginning of the thought is on the homepage, but you need to click on the link to finish the thought.

You can also access previous thoughts under the Collected Thoughts button at the top.

You can listen to podcasts here.

Check out Think A Minute here.




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