Category: Marriage & Family (page 1 of 3)

Michigan/Wisconsin 2018 (Part 1) ~ Mackinaw City

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As a home educating family, our vacations were always extremely full adventures with lots of opportunity for learning along the way, no matter where we were headed.

Our children eventually attended public school and two of our three daughters are now working and entering their adult years.

In July my husband and I took our first vacation as a couple without any children as we traveled to Oshkosh WI to join our youngest daughter Becca at EAAAirventure 2018, a huge aviation convention. She traveled there on her own for the EAA Air Academy, an aviation camp for young people from all across the country.

Since we had the time, hubby and I decided to explore new territory. He had been wanting to see the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for quite some time so we planned a whole Michigan adventure for ourselves.

I will say that while our time to ourselves was wonderful, it was also bittersweet for me. As a home educator at heart, I had such a strong urge to teach and share everything that I was experiencing and learning with my girls, who weren’t there. That was the only stain on the whole trip, and it is the primary reason why I want to document it here, so our girls can share the experience and learn from it.

Otherwise, it was glorious!

Continue reading

Side By Side: A Lifestyle Of Togetherness

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My parents are adorable.

No really, they are!

Like many marriages, theirs started because they “had” to get married. Because they were going to have me.

Growing up, I didn’t really think much about that detail. They were just my parents. We were just a family.

Until several years ago when I had a conversation with a relative I had not seen in years. He had experienced a lot of family challenges growing up, but had given his heart to Christ and had broken free of many of his family’s spiritual strongholds.

He too knew the basics of my parents beginnings and in the conversation he made the comment, “You know, they didn’t start out under the best of circumstances but together they made a marriage, they made a home, they made a family, and they made a life, and that spoke volumes to me.”

I had never thought of it like that before but that is EXACTLY what they did! Continue reading

Love And Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

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I have spent most of my adult life harboring a lot of negativism toward men. This was modeled by most of the women in my life growing up. Often times it was displayed in a good-natured way. Often times irritably.

No one really thought much about it.

But once I grew up and became a Christ-follower, it became apparent that it was not the biblical way to interact with men. Continue reading

Phillips, Craig, and Dean Concert Surprise!

It’s not always easy for me to find things to surprise my husband with. Not only are our lives fairly integrated, but I’m not good at keeping secrets!

I’m usually bursting at the seams because I’m excited that I actually found something to surprise him with!

But this time I succeeded! Continue reading


I grew up in a time when transgenderism wasn’t even on the average person’s radar. What a strange concept, relegated to the sub-culture of our society.

Times have changed.

Transgenderism is now touching the lives of many, including Christians. We personally know a few people who are struggling with gender confusion.

I’ve found a few videos and articles that I feel shed light on this topic, including from a Christian perspective. I am including a couple at the bottom of this article. (I may add more in the future so check back periodically)

Here are some important points that are necessary to understand the big picture:

Transgenders are PEOPLE and Christ died for them, just like He did for me.

Transgenders have the same value in God’s eyes as I do.

Our enemy, the devil, hates everyone and seeks to destroy them,
because we were created in the image of God,
and he hates God.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
1 Peter 5:8 KJV

There is a wonderful article entitled How Should We Respond To Caitlyn Jenner over at I think it really speaks to how we as Followers of Christ can respond to this troubling situation. The author admonishes us to respond with compassion, with prayer, and with truthful love. The link to this article and a few others are below the video.

The following video does a wonderful job of showing the big picture of where this trend is taking our society and how our enemy (the devil) seeks to use it for his own destructive plan as we barrel head-long towards the end-time.

Human Re-Orientation Guiding Humanity Toward The Final Deception! by Nicholson1968
(Narrated by Pastor Tim Tyler)

Some additional resources:

DG: How Should We Respond To Caitlyn Jenner

Focus On The Family : Transgenderism ~ Our Position

Focus On The Family Google search for “Transgenderism”

DG: What Gives Us The Right To Label Transgender Impulses As Wrong

Desiring God archive search for “Transgenderism”

Mental Health, Transgenderism and Endocrine Disruptors


Preparing To Be A Help Meet ~ Guarding Your Thoughts

Preparing To Be A Help Meet Amazon

by Debi Pearl from:

No Greater Joy Ministries


Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23 KJV

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
2 Corinthians 10:5KJV


DG: Letter To An Incomplete, Insecure Teenager

Desiring God PhotoI really enjoy and I thought this article by John Piper was a good one! It talks about focusing on others and delighting in them and all of God’s creation around you. By the way, that is a great way to overcome depression and endure health issues!

A few years ago a teenager in our church wrote to me for advice about life in general, and identity in particular. Here is what I wrote, with a big dose of autobiography for illustration.

Dear _____,

My experience of coming out of an introverted, insecure, guilty, lustful, self-absorbed adolescent life was more like the emergence of a frog from a tadpole than a butterfly from a larva.

Read the rest of the story here.


Woman Shares Her Story About Seeking Abortion Reversal

baby-1178539_1920A decision many women have made is taking RU 486, an abortion-inducing drug.

One Pennsylvania college student took it and changed her mind.

She didn’t want us to use her real name, but she did want us to share her journey. We will call her Samantha.

“I had an unplanned pregnancy and I was thinking about abortion. I took the abortion pill and I had regret immediately, so I went to Google and started searching if there was any way to undo what I did, and I came across a reversal number and I contacted the number,” she said.

Samantha called Hope Within, a community health center in Elizabethtown, Pa.

Read the rest of the story here.


Unveiled Wife: I Was Joking, But He Wasn’t


My husband and I were laying in bed chatting about all we had experienced during the day. I love those late night catch-ups, especially when it feels like we haven’t seen each other enough. The topic of conversation came to our children. We are constantly wondering if we doing a good job raising them.

Read the rest of the article here.


Sarah Mae: I’m Going To Screw Up So Many Times

If you are a frazzled mother, I would highly encourage you to check out She’s really REAL and really good!

Dear kids,

Yea, so I’ve been losing it the last few days. I know, you know, WE ALL KNOW. Some of it is hormones, some of it is just trying to figure out how to work (write) and raise you all well and keep a decently cleaned home (heh), homeschool you, and make dinner instead of ordering pizza, again.

I’m sorry.

But I’m just in this weird place of trying to figure it all out. I’m trying to figure out how to discipline you all so you listen and honor me and my words and for gosh sakes STAY IN BED. I’m trying. And sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy because there’s three of you and one of me and your daddy is working so hard and I just…am going to screw it all up sometimes.

Read the rest of her article here


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