Category: Intentional Parenting

You Are Special by Max Lucado | Book Review

You Are Special 3

I think I came out of the womb insecure. I remember how horrible I felt in first grade when I got glasses. How ugly I felt. My lens have always been thick, like the bottom of Coke-bottles.

When I was in high school and throughout college, I was the type of person that if you and I disagreed, I assumed you were right and I was wrong.

I became a follower of Christ at the age of 23. It took until I was really in my late 30s when a real transformation began to happen.

The Holy Spirit began to lead me to memorize verse after verse about who I was in God’s eyes. Who He created me to be. What His Word said about me.

My TRUE value. Continue reading


I grew up in a time when transgenderism wasn’t even on the average person’s radar. What a strange concept, relegated to the sub-culture of our society.

Times have changed.

Transgenderism is now touching the lives of many, including Christians. We personally know a few people who are struggling with gender confusion.

I’ve found a few videos and articles that I feel shed light on this topic, including from a Christian perspective. I am including a couple at the bottom of this article. (I may add more in the future so check back periodically)

Here are some important points that are necessary to understand the big picture:

Transgenders are PEOPLE and Christ died for them, just like He did for me.

Transgenders have the same value in God’s eyes as I do.

Our enemy, the devil, hates everyone and seeks to destroy them,
because we were created in the image of God,
and he hates God.

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
1 Peter 5:8 KJV

There is a wonderful article entitled How Should We Respond To Caitlyn Jenner over at I think it really speaks to how we as Followers of Christ can respond to this troubling situation. The author admonishes us to respond with compassion, with prayer, and with truthful love. The link to this article and a few others are below the video.

The following video does a wonderful job of showing the big picture of where this trend is taking our society and how our enemy (the devil) seeks to use it for his own destructive plan as we barrel head-long towards the end-time.

Human Re-Orientation Guiding Humanity Toward The Final Deception! by Nicholson1968
(Narrated by Pastor Tim Tyler)

Some additional resources:

DG: How Should We Respond To Caitlyn Jenner

Focus On The Family : Transgenderism ~ Our Position

Focus On The Family Google search for “Transgenderism”

DG: What Gives Us The Right To Label Transgender Impulses As Wrong

Desiring God archive search for “Transgenderism”

Mental Health, Transgenderism and Endocrine Disruptors


Treat…Or Trick?

As we approach the end of September my thoughts begin turning to Fall, my favorite time of year. Cooler temperatures, falling leaves, a crockpot full of stew, pumpkin muffins, and the beautiful Fall-colored leaves.

But as I get older and wiser, and the more I learn about what’s happening in the spirit realm all around us, my thoughts are already turning to Halloween, which will take place in a little over a month from now.

Like most children, I enjoyed Halloween growing up. I absolutely LOVED getting oodles of candy! I remember one year my parents and I helped decorate a wagon for our local parade and I went as an old man. I remember taking the soot from our wood stove and putting it on my face. My costume was completed with a pipe, an over-sized coat, and an old hat. I looked like Jed Clampett on the Beverly Hillbillies! We had a ball!

But at the age of 23 I became a follower of Jesus Christ, and I began seeing the world through a different lens.

During the 1990’s, I came across 2 Christian tracts detailing the historical background of Halloween. By the time I had my children I knew I and God wanted no part of it for my family.

Halloween Graphic 3

The problem is not JUST about the history behind the establishment of the holiday.

During the last several years I’ve studied the occult extensively and now I have a MUCH better understanding of what is actually happening TODAY in the physical and unseen spiritual realm, on Halloween night and the days leading up to this Satanic holiday.

I am sickened by what I’ve learned.

In a nutshell, we know from whistle-blowers like Russ Dizdar of that in the days leading up to Halloween, people and animals are being kidnapped and held to be used for torture and sacrifice. Let me say that again:

Halloween Truth 600x250 3

Did I make that clear enough??

So while children (and adults) are trying to outdo their friends and neighbors by wearing cute or creepy costumes, while they’re decorating their houses and they’re out collecting candy, attending parades, and having parties, while churches are trying to offer Christian alternatives such as having Trunk-Or-Treat get-togethers, people are being tortured and killed to please Satan.

Below is a screenshot from the satanic calendar at

Take a good look at the details: dates, types of celebrations, and types of rituals and sacrifices.

Satanic Calendar 976x261

This is sickening.

Below is a link to an important article over at listing 14 things followers of Christ ought to be praying for on Halloween. I would submit that we should be praying for these things the ENTIRE month of October.

This lists includes things like:

Pray and ask God to prevent kidnappings of people for the purpose of human sacrifice on Halloween night.

Pray that God would protect children from being spiritually harmed by eating candy that has been ritually cursed.


Pray that God would arrange circumstances so that people who are being prepared for ritual human sacrifice would escape.

Read the entire article HERE. I would encourage you to watch the videos at the end of the article.

Why God Halloween

So, in light of this information, should Christians (in good conscience) participate in Halloween activities? You decide.

Additional resources:

To read a pdf entitled What’s Wrong With Halloween click HERE.

Pastor Glen Berteau of Calvary Temple Worship Center in Modesto, California preached a good sermon entitled Mom, Can I Be A Witch? You can access the FULL message at HERE. Here is a preview of that message:

Carol Kornacki ~ The Dark Truth About Halloween:

Halloween Or HELLoween: The Pagan Origins Of Halloween EXPOSED

Trunews 10/30/14: Steve Quayle & The Walking Dead:

Justen Faull: Devil’s Night Chronicles: The Halloween Files:
(Click Image)

4th Watch Halloween Files

Revelation Graphic Revised 3

Eyes Wide Open Disclaimer (1)


Treat...Or Trick_

DG: Letter To An Incomplete, Insecure Teenager

Desiring God PhotoI really enjoy and I thought this article by John Piper was a good one! It talks about focusing on others and delighting in them and all of God’s creation around you. By the way, that is a great way to overcome depression and endure health issues!

A few years ago a teenager in our church wrote to me for advice about life in general, and identity in particular. Here is what I wrote, with a big dose of autobiography for illustration.

Dear _____,

My experience of coming out of an introverted, insecure, guilty, lustful, self-absorbed adolescent life was more like the emergence of a frog from a tadpole than a butterfly from a larva.

Read the rest of the story here.


Unveiled Wife: I Was Joking, But He Wasn’t


My husband and I were laying in bed chatting about all we had experienced during the day. I love those late night catch-ups, especially when it feels like we haven’t seen each other enough. The topic of conversation came to our children. We are constantly wondering if we doing a good job raising them.

Read the rest of the article here.


Sarah Mae: I’m Going To Screw Up So Many Times

If you are a frazzled mother, I would highly encourage you to check out She’s really REAL and really good!

Dear kids,

Yea, so I’ve been losing it the last few days. I know, you know, WE ALL KNOW. Some of it is hormones, some of it is just trying to figure out how to work (write) and raise you all well and keep a decently cleaned home (heh), homeschool you, and make dinner instead of ordering pizza, again.

I’m sorry.

But I’m just in this weird place of trying to figure it all out. I’m trying to figure out how to discipline you all so you listen and honor me and my words and for gosh sakes STAY IN BED. I’m trying. And sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy because there’s three of you and one of me and your daddy is working so hard and I just…am going to screw it all up sometimes.

Read the rest of her article here


Don’t Give Up On The Difficult Child

I found this article on June Fuentes’ original blog and thought it was a good one. You will find the link to that blog at the bottom of the following excerpt.

Her updated blog is

Mothers, Don’t Give Up On Your Difficult Child:

Yes, you know the one–that child came to mind as soon as you saw the title of this post.

You have been praying over that child a loooong time, crying out to God for wisdom. Crying out to God to even help you deal with it all.

I am here to remind you not to give up on that special child. God has a perfect plan for that child. And God has a perfect plan for you too.

You see, He uses challenges in parenting to draw you closer to Him. To stretch you. To refine you. To cause you to see your weak spots. To remind you that you cannot do it without Him. To draw you to become more…. holy.

Read the rest here.


The Longest Conversation

Basketball HoopYears ago when my children were young and we homeschooled, our church allowed any homeschooling members to use their gym on Friday’s for about 2 hours. Not many families availed themselves of the opportunity but it was a nice small group and we usually stayed after for a packed lunch and fellowship.

I was struggling significantly at that time with chronic illness, fibromyalgia/arthritis, anxiety, extreme insecurity, and what I like to call extreme discouragement. My self-talk was terrible and I didn’t think I could do anything right (I hadn’t yet learned who I was in Christ). Plus, I am surrounded by many critical people and that wears on you after awhile and makes you second guess yourself, which adds to the insecurity.

But I knew God had placed in me a strong vision for homeschooling and I was doing my best to walk the vision out in faith.

It was one day after we had enjoyed our play time that I was driving home and I had the longest conversation with the Lord that I have ever had. It went something like this…

“Lord?! Did you see how relaxed Wanda was with her children? And she was talking about how well her daughter was reading? And how quiet they were?!? My children couldn’t be quiet if their lives depended on it. I’m following Your leading and learning about disaster preparedness and end-time Bible prophecy and trying to faithfully prepare them to be ready for anything including being quiet in order to save their lives. And I’m getting nowhere!

And did you see how respectful her children were to her? Your Word says we’re to teach our children to honor their parents so they may enjoy long life. (Eph 6:2-3). Father, I feel like such a failure…

And her reading! Did you hear how far along her daughter is in her reading? I know you gave me a strong teaching gift, but Lord, something just isn’t working. I’m missing something, but I don’t know what. Everyone else sees our oldest is behind in her reading, and because of it no one sees all the other things we’re accomplishing. Maybe everyone is right and I shouldn’t be homeschooling, but I know you want them home Lord. I know it. What am I missing?! (We did not yet know we were in the learning disabilities realm). Help me to block out everyone else and only hear Your voice.

And Sue. Did you hear how she was explaining her math lessons? It was so on point and detailed. And her daughter was getting it! But I know You led me to the curriculum we’re using. It’s very God centered curriculum.


I am such a failure. I am ruining my children. I must not know how to hear from You. I can’t do anything right. I’m not ever going to feel well and I’m not ever going to achieve all I believe You want me to. I am such a failure…”

And I just wanted to pull over to the side of the road and bawl.

And then the Lord’s response went something like this…


First of all, Wanda has a totally different personality than you. And she has a totally different type of husband. And she has no health issues like you are facing. And she has a girl and a boy, a TOTALLY different dynamic than what you are dealing with.

And Sue? She feels at least as bad as you do physically and then some, but she has a teaching degree. She knows techniques that you don’t know.

And besides, I didn’t tell you to teach reading first. I told you to teach character building first.


I felt so comforted. Like Abba, my Heavenly Father, was right there beside me, walking with me, holding me. And He was. And He still is. Instilling His vision for my life. Leading, guiding, directing.

Steps Of A Good Man 3

It’s important to remember that we are on a journey. Each homeschool, each family, is unique. God knows EXACTLY what your family needs. Hone your listening skills and listen to the Lord first. Try to teach your children those skills as well.

Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Rest in the Lord, and learn to home educate from that position of rest.

I always said I’d rather have children whose hearts belonged to Jesus and their parents, and who were filled with common sense and good character, than children with straight A’s. Homeschooling is about relationships first. Relationships with each other and with the Lord. And then academics.

And I always sensed that when I was doing what Jesus wanted me to do, there was a deep sense of peace. It was one of the ways He was teaching me to know His voice and His leading.

Trust your instincts Mama, and stop the negative self-talk. And remember, you were hand-picked by God to be your child’s mother.


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