Category: Homemaking

Side By Side: A Lifestyle Of Togetherness

Side by Side 500x425 Revised

My parents are adorable.

No really, they are!

Like many marriages, theirs started because they “had” to get married. Because they were going to have me.

Growing up, I didn’t really think much about that detail. They were just my parents. We were just a family.

Until several years ago when I had a conversation with a relative I had not seen in years. He had experienced a lot of family challenges growing up, but had given his heart to Christ and had broken free of many of his family’s spiritual strongholds.

He too knew the basics of my parents beginnings and in the conversation he made the comment, “You know, they didn’t start out under the best of circumstances but together they made a marriage, they made a home, they made a family, and they made a life, and that spoke volumes to me.”

I had never thought of it like that before but that is EXACTLY what they did! Continue reading

Sarah Mae: I’m Going To Screw Up So Many Times

If you are a frazzled mother, I would highly encourage you to check out She’s really REAL and really good!

Dear kids,

Yea, so I’ve been losing it the last few days. I know, you know, WE ALL KNOW. Some of it is hormones, some of it is just trying to figure out how to work (write) and raise you all well and keep a decently cleaned home (heh), homeschool you, and make dinner instead of ordering pizza, again.

I’m sorry.

But I’m just in this weird place of trying to figure it all out. I’m trying to figure out how to discipline you all so you listen and honor me and my words and for gosh sakes STAY IN BED. I’m trying. And sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy because there’s three of you and one of me and your daddy is working so hard and I just…am going to screw it all up sometimes.

Read the rest of her article here


The Heart of Christmas by Matthew West

Perfect song for Christmas day!


Making “Real Life” Christmas Cookies

I had to laugh last night while I was in the process of making Christmas cookies.

First of all, my kitchen (and my house) is small so it’s a challenge to move all the normal things on the kitchen counters off so you have room to do things like roll out and decorate cookies. Plus finding space to set up the cooling racks. I’m not complaining, but it really can be a bit nerve racking to find somewhere to go with everything, sometimes for a few days while you make mounds of cookies!

And this year we have the puppy so I can’t put the crock full of cooking utensils over in the corner on the floor, unless I want to find them all over the house with bite marks in them!

When I was growing up (and even now), my mother never decorated a cookie with icing like you see in the magazines. She grew up on a farm and there simply wasn’t money or time for such things. Plus, my mother is not really crafty so she had no interest in even trying.

My girls and I tried once or twice when they were little, but I found that not only did they never look like the store-bought ones or the ones in magazines, but once you stored them stacked in a container (even with waxed paper between), they just didn’t look the same and it was a big disappointment. Growing up we just simply used sprinkles and that’s the way I choose to make them too. Nice and simple.

So today I had rolled out, cut out, and decorated the cookies with sprinkles and I was so excited because I LOVE cut out sugar cookies, when I took a moment to survey my creations as I was putting them in the oven, and I had to chuckle.

Here were these simple cut-out cookies, made from my beloved grandmother’s sugar cookie recipe, sitting among the mess of excess sprinkles strewn all over my scratched up cookie sheets, in my little kitchen that was a wreck, and I couldn’t be happier or more excited! It didn’t matter that they didn’t look like the cookies on Pinterest, or that I’ve had my cookie sheets for years and they were scratched up. Who cares?!

I love my grandmother’s Christmas cookies, I love my little house, I love ALL our animals, I love ALL my family and I love Jesus!


During this busy holiday season, don’t forget to wish someone a Merry Christmas, and be grateful for ALL the little things you have!

Christmas Cookies 2

Christmas Cookies 1

Christmas Cookies 3


Winter Storms On The Farm

When we homeschooled I had the privilege of arranging my outings in the winter around bad weather. I absolutely love snow storms but I’m really not comfortable driving in snow and slush.

Now that I work part-time I can usually work around the storms but two winters ago I got stuck out and had to make my way home in rush hour traffic at the beginning of a nor’easter.

I was apprehensive but it was an opportunity to pray moment-by-moment and practice staying in peace before the Lord.

And it was so BEAUTIFUL! It was worth it!

I have no idea why but I was thinking about my grandparents and their dairy farm. The barn was quite a distance from the house. Since I’m always thinking about disaster preparedness and rehearsing scenarios in my head I thought, “How in the world did Granddaddy manage to make it to the barn and back? Did he attach a plow to the tractor and position it outside the back door? Did he just sleep in the barn with the cows? Did Grandma join him or stay at the house so she could keep the wood stove going?”

So I called my mother and posed these questions to her (hands-free driving, of course!).

“No, Granddaddy didn’t sleep in the barn with the cows, and he didn’t attach a plow to the tractor, he shoveled to the barn and back!”

Every time?! Every time.

No matter how deep the snow?! No matter how deep the snow.

“Because the cows had to be milked, twice a day, no matter what.”

I was shocked! The enormity of that task alone caused me to gasp. I’m not a good judge of distance but we’re talking a good 100 yards or more from the house to the barn! He then had to milk the cows! And possibly shovel back!!

But what she told me next totally floored me:

“I remember going out and helping Daddy shovel all the way out the lane to the road. The milk truck HAD to come collect the milk! So we shoveled from the house out through the “driveway” parking area to the lane, then all the way out the lane to the road, then come back past the “driveway” area and shovel to the barn so the milk truck could get the milk.”

Dear reader, just from the parking area by the house to the road HAS to be at least a quarter of a mile, THEN a hundred yards to the barn! And the lane had a big dip in it so they had to shovel UPHILL for part of it. And we’re talking about shoveling a path wide enough to accommodate a big truck for hauling milk!

Mom couldn’t recall if they had to shovel the barnyard area widely enough for the truck to turn around but even if they didn’t, that was an ENORMOUS task! And she was a child!

She said that anyone who was at the house pitched in to help, but she remembers at least one occasion when she and her daddy did it themselves.

I simply couldn’t believe it.

Mother, did you complain?! Listen to this…

“Oh my no! It had to be done. The milk had to go!”

Can you imagine? I can’t even imagine.

As part of my character-building training, God has been revealing to me my propensity to complain. After having this conversation with my mother I’ve been focusing on doing my various chores and fulfilling my responsibilities without complaining, such as cleaning cat litters, folding laundry, shoveling the driveway, walking the dog, cleaning up after dog and cat accidents (lots of opportunities to practice there!), cleaning up the kitchen again, etc.

I keep being reminded of the stock I come from, and I’m challenged to come up higher in my walk with Jesus.

I want to end this post with a few of my favorite winter photos, and please be sure to check out the links below the photos to other articles you may also like. I think I’ll go make some hot chocolate… ; )

Pond Bridge2

Lindas Backyard Snowstorm (1)

Pond Tree




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“Farmer” Dodge Ram Trucks Commercial by Paul Harvey
The Curse Of Murmuring And Complaining

Mom, Did You Ever Tire Of Taking Care Of Us?

Now that’s a loaded question! And that was the question I was asked this morning by my oldest daughter.

She has gotten a puppy named Greyson. And since she’s still living at home, that means we ALL have gotten a puppy named Greyson!

And it has absolutely been a team effort! We can’t imagine life without him but oh my is he a handful!

Greyson 1

Going back to the question ~ did I ever tire of taking care of my children?

You’re asking a mom who has struggled with chronic fatigue??

Here is my answer:

I tired from the physical load it placed on my already tired body, and I tired of all the arguing and complaining and the physical and mental load that placed on my body, but I never tire of being a mother and being with my children, and molding and shaping their character to reflect Jesus, as I’m learning to do the same.


And if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to have exactly my children at exactly the time I did, because it was God’s timing. It has been a faith walk and it has been worth every moment!


I wish I had known when my children were young many of the techniques I know now. It would have eased the load and saved much anguish in the home.

When she asked me the question, I knew it was a perfect time to share two videos from Michelle Duggar that I have learned from and have been wanting to share.

Here’s the question I ask people when I show them the first video…

“As you watch this video, how long does it take until you start feeling anxious?”

My daughter said she started feeling anxious immediately!

When I first saw it, I started feeling stressed about 20 seconds into it. I can now watch the entire video without any stress and can marvel at how Mrs. Duggar manages to maintain that countenance all day, every day, for years. I know she isn’t perfect, but she is amazing! She truly has a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight (1 Pt 3:4). This video has helped me to stay calm and “go flat-line” when dealing with a difficult child.

The Duggars – Duggar Discipline Outtakes:

Michelle’s Take: Keeping Calm:


Called To Be Set Apart

As we move closer to the end times, the spiritual heat in this world is being turned up and the lines of distinction between right and wrong are becoming more blurred. As the spiritual war for our souls rages, I am becoming more and more cognizant that we who are Christ Followers are to be IN this world, not OF it.

Set apart for His Glory.

Consider the following verses:

Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners”
to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.
1 Peter 2:11 NLT

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh,
and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,
is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
1 John 2: 15-17 KJV

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2 KJV

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself
from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you
2 Corinthians 6:17

We live in this world. We are ambassadors for Christ here. We represent Him.

But it is not an easy road.

Those of us who are spiritually sensitive can feel things ramping up in the spirit realm. Darkness is increasing.

So when I found this picture on the Above Rubies website, I knew I had to put it on my own website to encourage you, my fellow warriors, to stand strong in the faith even when you stand out!

Why Work So Hard AR 5-13-14

If you have a strong love of family and home, I would encourage you to explore Nancy Campbell’s Above Rubies website at

The article that contains the above photo can be found at Nancy’s Daily Encouragement Blog here.



Happy Belated Mother’s Day

Last Sunday was Mother’s Day and I had the privilege of visiting my parents and giving my mother a lovely bouquet of flowers!

While driving home on the highway I decided to give my dear friend Teresa a call and share the ride home with her. She has moved to another state and since we are busy mothers and we always talk a long time, the calls are far too few and far between. She loves Jesus with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. She is the mother who will sign up for nursery duty the moment she steps foot in heaven ~ she has such a heart for children of all ages.

I had just thought of her the day before when I found two of her poems in a pile of papers as I was cleaning and I wanted her permission to share them with you. Continue reading

More Than A Cleaning Lady

Subtitle: Why Would Anyone Want To Clean Houses For A Living?

*Author’s Update October 2018:

I originally wrote this blog post in 2012 and it’s original title was Dear Katie.

A lot has happened since then. A lot of water under the bridge, as they say. While reading over it, I’ve thought of several things I’d like to add.

I’d like to give credit for the new title of this article to my dear friend and customer Sheila, who passed away a few years ago. She would never let me put myself down and would always tell me how much I was SO much more than a cleaning lady because my heart is not to clean but to MINISTER! Continue reading

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