Category: Health Articles

Mercola: Women Put an Average of 168 Chemicals on Their Bodies Daily

Almost 13,000 chemicals are used in cosmetics, and only about 10 percent have been evaluated for safety. Although the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority to regulate harmful ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products, they don’t often exercise it.

Further, cosmetics can come on the market without any type of approval necessary. Only after a product is deemed to be harmful, adulterated, or misbranded can the FDA take regulatory action.

The average US woman uses 12 personal care products and/or cosmetics a day, containing 168 different chemicals, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). While most men use fewer products, they’re still exposed to about 85 such chemicals daily, while teens, who use an average of 17 personal care products a day, are exposed to even more.

Clearly, such chemical exposures are not insignificant, especially when they occur virtually daily for a lifetime. When EWG tested teens to find out which chemicals in personal care products were found in their bodies, 16 different hormone-altering chemicals, including parabens and phthalates, were detected.

Read the full article HERE.


72 Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia (You Won’t Believe) What Are Yours?

I have never had an official fibromyalgia diagnosis, but believe me, I am ABSOLUTELY in the fibromyalgia realm!

Years ago when I was seeking help from the medical profession for my health issues I had a doctor test me for fibro. The trigger points testing results were negative but he actually called me a few days later at my home and told me he had been discussing my case with another doctor and he believed I DID have fibromyalgia in spite of the test results. (This was at a time when fibro was still not being taken seriously by health care professionals).

Since that time I’ve discovered MANY symptoms are found in the chronic illness soup that make a person feel like a hypochondriac, but FINALLY people are putting the puzzle pieces together and creating articles like the one below.


You’ve probably read about fibromyalgia symptoms such as pain, fatigue and fibro fog, but the list of possible symptoms is far-reaching and body-wide. Those tiny lists don’t even begin to describe our experience! I put together this “monster list” of 60+ symptoms to let you know that you’re not alone! The list is adapted from one put together by fibromyalgia author Devin Starlanyl along with other research.

Knowing the full range of symptoms can help you track them, either to help your doctor reach a diagnosis or to help you identify triggers. It also helps to know you’re not the only person experiencing these!Some of the following are noted as overlapping conditions, which means they commonly occur with fibromyalgia but actually are conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated separately.

We can have any combination of the following symptoms, and to varying degrees of severity.

Read the full list here.


New Treatment Target for Fibromyalgia: Inflammation in the Brain

Many of us who battle chronic illness know how brain fog feels. Being in the ADHD/auto-immune realm, I’m always researching and am intrigued when I find connections between illness and the brain.

I found this article interesting.

Scientists have long suspected that inflammation in the brain (neuroinflammation) could be the cause of the amplification of pain signals in the brain seen in fibromyalgia. They can show this to be the case in lab animals, but this theory has been hard to prove in humans—mostly because researchers can’t very easily biopsy brain tissue of living people!

However, some very creative Swedish scientists figured out a different way assess levels of inflammation in the brain; by sampling the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Because the CSF is in constant contact with the brain, it mirrors what is happening in the brain.

Read the full article here.



Are Vaccines Causing Everyone To Be So Angry?

Have you noticed how angry everyone is today? Road rage? Impatience at checkout counters? Low tolerance for frustration?

…just to name a few examples.

This new article over at Natural News makes a strong case that heavy metal toxicity through vaccines may be contributing to the increase in world-wide anger levels.

Almost everyone agrees that the levels of anger, violence and insanity now witnessed across our world are the highest we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. Something is making people go crazy, from the UC Berkeley rioters who want to murder conservative speakers, to the widespread anger, hatred and calls for the execution of President Trump by insane Leftists.

What could be causing this sharp rise in anger, violence and insanity we’re now witnessing?

One thing we know for sure is that heavy metals cause brain damage. Lead, aluminum and mercury exposure are all known to cause not just brain damage but even behavioral changes that trend toward more “animalistic” behavior in humans.

This is not debated. The scientific literature is full of tens of thousands of studies on heavy metals, and many of those studies focus on cognitive decline and brain damage.

Read the full story HERE.


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