Category: Eyes Wide Open (page 3 of 3)

Burning Man Festival Revisited

Back in September 2016 I wrote an article about the Burning Man Festival that takes place annually in Nevada. I’ll place a link to that article at the end of this one.Burning Man 2

On December 6th, (and I quote) the festival’s co-founder Larry Harvey made clear that Burning Man is now closer to becoming a religion than ever before. In a blogpost, he announced that the 2017 theme would be “Radical Ritual,” writing that “beyond the dogmas, creeds, and metaphysical ideas of religion, there is immediate experience. It is from this primal world that living faith arises. In 2017, we will invite participants to create interactive rites, ritual processions, elaborate images, shrines, icons, temples, and visions.”

What does it matter?

It matters when you realize how the cultures of past decades permeate and affect our culture of today, and the culture of today will affect the culture our grandchildren will inherit. Especially through the entertainment industry and the influence of occultists from behind the scenes.

Think of Aleister Crowley, an occultist from the early 1900’s, who coined the phrase, “Do What Thou Wilt.” Decades later, that translates in our culture today to, “If it feels good do it.” Or how about, “I can’t control my feelings.”

Think of the sexual revolution of the 1960’s. And, “following your feelings.” And feminism. And the broken homes that have resulted.

It matters when you understand pagan rituals and the entities they conjure from the spirit realm to be unleash on our nation.

It matters when you understand that the masses are shaking a fist at a Holy God, and that arrogance will bring judgement.

It matters ~ and most don’t even know it’s happening.

The above quote is from an article on You can read it here.

My previous article on the Burning Man Festival can be read here.



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Alternative News Junkies

When my husband and I met in 1990, he was already a student of Bible prophecy or eschatology. And a history buff.

I never liked history. But I was very intrigued by the Bible prophecy that he would explain for hours. He has a gift of being able to read or watch or hear something and expound upon it. He also made history come alive for me.

Over the years we began to study alternative news sources, particularly when it pertained to eschatology, always studying the signs of the times and looking for the Antichrist and signs of Jesus’ return.

My husband and I regularly check the following alternative news and Bible prophecy sites:
(we check this site multiple times each day ~ it’s a springboard)

Lisa Haven’s YouTube Channel

Michael Snyder Websites and Articles:

Michael and Meranda Snyder’s YouTube Channel


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Rash Of Creepy Clown Sightings

I just discovered this story by Michael Snyder over at

This is truly disturbing, especially when you understand the occult and satanic rituals, and you realize we are yet again approaching Halloween time.

Creepy Clowns Are Terrorizing Children, Parents And Schools All Over America

Wait, what?

I’m not kidding.

An epidemic of creepy clown sightings is sweeping America, and authorities don’t know who or what is behind it. In some instances, clowns with horrific expressions painted on their faces have been spotted standing on the side of the road, lurking near the edge of the woods or just roaming about town staring at random people. But in other instances there have been reports of clowns actually attempting to lure children with gifts, and there have even been some reports of children running away from creepy clowns that were chasing after them. While doing research for this article, I came across recent creepy clown sightings from South Carolina, North Carolina, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, California, Alabama, Georgia and West Virginia. This is truly a nationwide phenomenon, and many believe that it will get even worse as Halloween approaches.

Read the full story here.

We need to especially pray a hedge of protection around our children.



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A Call To Repentance And To Take Up Spiritual Arms

There is a fierce spiritual battle taking place in our nation. Many Christians can feel it in the air. Families are under particular assault because Satan hates strong families (particularly Christian families) because they bring glory to God and accomplish much for the Kingdom.

It’s time, like never before, that we get serious in our spiritual warfare and our sharing of the Gospel. Developing holy boldness and cleaning up our spiritual houses!

I found this video from Lyn Leahz’s Youtube Channel very inspiring and challenging! Her website that she shares with Lisa Haven is Freedom Nation News. You can also find Lisa Haven’s YouTube channel here.

Warning To All! Proof Satan Is On The Loose Like Never Before ~ Time To Fight Fire With Fire!

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
He 4:12KJV


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Hillary’s Fake Press Conference?

It is undeniable that something strange happened at this press conference for Hillary Clinton in North Carolina. Folks, it’s becoming more difficult to know what is real. That’s why it’s so critical we stay alert and pray for discernment.



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Burning Man Festival

Last year I heard a talk show host talking about rock music festival in the Nevada desert called, “Burning Man.”

Think “Woodstock.”

This festival actually began 30 years ago, but this was the first I’d heard of it. If you are interested in the occult and it’s affect on our American society, especially in regards to our teenagers and young people, you need to at least be aware of the Burning Man festival. I could imagine that young people would think it is really cool.

30,000 tickets. $390 each. Sold out in 30 minutes.

From Michael Snyder: 70,000 people have descended upon a very bleak stretch of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert for what is perhaps the largest celebration of hedonism on the entire planet.

Read the rest of the story here.

Image result for burning man 2016


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Rick Wiles From

Rick Wiles is the incredibly brave, outspoken Christian radio host of Rick was given a vision of September 11th, 2001, before it happened. When a man of God prophetically sees an event such as 9/11, it’s important that we stand up and take notice.

He can be found at Under “Radio” click on “Listen.” The posts starting with the day of the week and the date are daily radio programs. The first half of each broadcast is Rick’s personal news and commentary and ABSOLUTELY worth listening to daily. Especially if you want a good dose of old-fashioned common sense. During the second half of the show Rick interviews a guest.

Rick was on the Jim Bakker show in August 2015. I have posted the videos below. I would STRONGLY suggest you prayerfully listen to every word of all three videos, including the preaching and the selling of products. EXTREMELY informative!

Pray and ask God to show you how to prepare your family for the days ahead.


Prepare Like You’re Going To War P1 – Rick Wiles 2015

Prepare Like You’re Going To War P2 – Rick Wiles 2015

Prepare Like You’re Going To War P3 – Rick Wiles 2015


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Political Leaders & Issues Resource

I was exploring some articles on the Internet today regarding the illegal children swarming our American border between Texas and Mexico when I stumbled upon a wonderful political resource in the form of a website called

Politics can be overwhelming, particularly for moms just trying to keep up with meals, laundry, and taxi driving (to say the least), but the ramifications of the decisions made in the political arena affect us all!

One can search this site by political leader or political issue. Each political leader’s page lists the leader’s stances, including quotes, on 24 issues. For example, I happened to be very interested in possible upcoming presidential candidate Ben Carson. You can read about his views on these issues on his page at:

To look up your political leader of interest, choose the “Candidates” tab at the top of the home page or look for the “Search” field in the left sidebar on most pages.

You can also search by political issue. Each “Issues” page lists headlines for popular candidates and elected officials with links to full quotes regarding the issue in question. The four categories for the 24 political issues are: International, Domestic, Economic & Social. Additional topics in the news are listed as well.

Here is the link for the Issues page:

If you are interested in politics, be prepared to stay awhile at this site. It is a treasure trove of information!


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The True Agenda Of Feminism ~ Part 1

For the last several years I have been seeking God for wisdom in the area of feminism manifesting in my life.

What is the Biblical model for femininity? Show me any wrong attitudes toward men that have accumulated over the years. How can I develop a less “independent” spirit while becoming more “capable?” What is within my jurisdiction as a wife to manage and what is my husband’s responsibility?

It is such a confusing time to be a Christian woman today. Women my age grew up with the feminism from the sixties infiltrating and indoctrinating us that we can do a man’s job, and we don’t need a man. Continue reading

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