Month: September 2017

AI is God: Ex-Google Engineer Creating New Religion

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As a former Google engineer is out to create a god based on artificial intelligence to make society better, many scientific experts warn that our current love affair with artificial intelligence could get us all killed.

Anthony Levandowski of Google’s self-driving car’s fame, has set up a religious nonprofit organization called Way of the Future and devoted to the worship of artificial intelligence.

According to the organization’s founding documents, it  intends to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.”

Read the full story HERE.

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Treat…Or Trick?

As we approach the end of September my thoughts begin turning to Fall, my favorite time of year. Cooler temperatures, falling leaves, a crockpot full of stew, pumpkin muffins, and the beautiful Fall-colored leaves.

But as I get older and wiser, and the more I learn about what’s happening in the spirit realm all around us, my thoughts are already turning to Halloween, which will take place in a little over a month from now.

Like most children, I enjoyed Halloween growing up. I absolutely LOVED getting oodles of candy! I remember one year my parents and I helped decorate a wagon for our local parade and I went as an old man. I remember taking the soot from our wood stove and putting it on my face. My costume was completed with a pipe, an over-sized coat, and an old hat. I looked like Jed Clampett on the Beverly Hillbillies! We had a ball!

But at the age of 23 I became a follower of Jesus Christ, and I began seeing the world through a different lens.

During the 1990’s, I came across 2 Christian tracts detailing the historical background of Halloween. By the time I had my children I knew I and God wanted no part of it for my family.

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The problem is not JUST about the history behind the establishment of the holiday.

During the last several years I’ve studied the occult extensively and now I have a MUCH better understanding of what is actually happening TODAY in the physical and unseen spiritual realm, on Halloween night and the days leading up to this Satanic holiday.

I am sickened by what I’ve learned.

In a nutshell, we know from whistle-blowers like Russ Dizdar of that in the days leading up to Halloween, people and animals are being kidnapped and held to be used for torture and sacrifice. Let me say that again:

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Did I make that clear enough??

So while children (and adults) are trying to outdo their friends and neighbors by wearing cute or creepy costumes, while they’re decorating their houses and they’re out collecting candy, attending parades, and having parties, while churches are trying to offer Christian alternatives such as having Trunk-Or-Treat get-togethers, people are being tortured and killed to please Satan.

Below is a screenshot from the satanic calendar at

Take a good look at the details: dates, types of celebrations, and types of rituals and sacrifices.

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This is sickening.

Below is a link to an important article over at listing 14 things followers of Christ ought to be praying for on Halloween. I would submit that we should be praying for these things the ENTIRE month of October.

This lists includes things like:

Pray and ask God to prevent kidnappings of people for the purpose of human sacrifice on Halloween night.

Pray that God would protect children from being spiritually harmed by eating candy that has been ritually cursed.


Pray that God would arrange circumstances so that people who are being prepared for ritual human sacrifice would escape.

Read the entire article HERE. I would encourage you to watch the videos at the end of the article.

Why God Halloween

So, in light of this information, should Christians (in good conscience) participate in Halloween activities? You decide.

Additional resources:

To read a pdf entitled What’s Wrong With Halloween click HERE.

Pastor Glen Berteau of Calvary Temple Worship Center in Modesto, California preached a good sermon entitled Mom, Can I Be A Witch? You can access the FULL message at HERE. Here is a preview of that message:

Carol Kornacki ~ The Dark Truth About Halloween:

Halloween Or HELLoween: The Pagan Origins Of Halloween EXPOSED

Trunews 10/30/14: Steve Quayle & The Walking Dead:

Justen Faull: Devil’s Night Chronicles: The Halloween Files:
(Click Image)

4th Watch Halloween Files

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Treat...Or Trick_

72 Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia (You Won’t Believe) What Are Yours?

I have never had an official fibromyalgia diagnosis, but believe me, I am ABSOLUTELY in the fibromyalgia realm!

Years ago when I was seeking help from the medical profession for my health issues I had a doctor test me for fibro. The trigger points testing results were negative but he actually called me a few days later at my home and told me he had been discussing my case with another doctor and he believed I DID have fibromyalgia in spite of the test results. (This was at a time when fibro was still not being taken seriously by health care professionals).

Since that time I’ve discovered MANY symptoms are found in the chronic illness soup that make a person feel like a hypochondriac, but FINALLY people are putting the puzzle pieces together and creating articles like the one below.


You’ve probably read about fibromyalgia symptoms such as pain, fatigue and fibro fog, but the list of possible symptoms is far-reaching and body-wide. Those tiny lists don’t even begin to describe our experience! I put together this “monster list” of 60+ symptoms to let you know that you’re not alone! The list is adapted from one put together by fibromyalgia author Devin Starlanyl along with other research.

Knowing the full range of symptoms can help you track them, either to help your doctor reach a diagnosis or to help you identify triggers. It also helps to know you’re not the only person experiencing these!Some of the following are noted as overlapping conditions, which means they commonly occur with fibromyalgia but actually are conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated separately.

We can have any combination of the following symptoms, and to varying degrees of severity.

Read the full list here.


New Treatment Target for Fibromyalgia: Inflammation in the Brain

Many of us who battle chronic illness know how brain fog feels. Being in the ADHD/auto-immune realm, I’m always researching and am intrigued when I find connections between illness and the brain.

I found this article interesting.

Scientists have long suspected that inflammation in the brain (neuroinflammation) could be the cause of the amplification of pain signals in the brain seen in fibromyalgia. They can show this to be the case in lab animals, but this theory has been hard to prove in humans—mostly because researchers can’t very easily biopsy brain tissue of living people!

However, some very creative Swedish scientists figured out a different way assess levels of inflammation in the brain; by sampling the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Because the CSF is in constant contact with the brain, it mirrors what is happening in the brain.

Read the full article here.



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