Month: May 2017

How Great Is Your Love by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir


Video Catches Planned Parenthood Abortionist Joking About Eyeballs From Aborted Babies “Rolling Into Our Laps”

I find the following story posted over at today very disturbing. You know why? Because they are BABIES!

A shocking new video from the Center for Medical Progress catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing gruesome abortion procedures and the sale of body parts from aborted babies for profit.

The video shows top Planned Parenthood staffers attending meetings of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015 and it is the latest in a series of over a dozen videos from the organization showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business and others engaging in potentially illegal sale of body parts of aborted babies.

The new undercover video shows Planned Parenthood executives and other top abortion advocates making shocking comments about abortions.

Several attendees made jokes about eyeballs from aborted babies and other aborted baby body parts “rolling down into their laps.”

Read the rest of the article HERE.


I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin


Waiting Here For You by Christy Nockels


Are Vaccines Causing Everyone To Be So Angry?

Have you noticed how angry everyone is today? Road rage? Impatience at checkout counters? Low tolerance for frustration?

…just to name a few examples.

This new article over at Natural News makes a strong case that heavy metal toxicity through vaccines may be contributing to the increase in world-wide anger levels.

Almost everyone agrees that the levels of anger, violence and insanity now witnessed across our world are the highest we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes. Something is making people go crazy, from the UC Berkeley rioters who want to murder conservative speakers, to the widespread anger, hatred and calls for the execution of President Trump by insane Leftists.

What could be causing this sharp rise in anger, violence and insanity we’re now witnessing?

One thing we know for sure is that heavy metals cause brain damage. Lead, aluminum and mercury exposure are all known to cause not just brain damage but even behavioral changes that trend toward more “animalistic” behavior in humans.

This is not debated. The scientific literature is full of tens of thousands of studies on heavy metals, and many of those studies focus on cognitive decline and brain damage.

Read the full story HERE.


The Four Waves Of Feminism

As revealed in this article entitled Women’s March Reveals Godless Nature Of Feminism by Julie Roys, feminism is NOT what it used to be.

What I found particularly interesting are the four waves of feminism.

*Note: This article contains some annoying pop-ups and there may be a video ad playing in the background. Very annoying, but well worth the trouble!

Madonna dropping F-bombs and talking about blowing up the White House. Actress Ashley Judd proudly proclaiming, “Yeah, I’m a nasty woman — a loud vulgar, proud woman.” And mothers marching with their daughters while wearing female genitalia on their heads.

The recent Women’s March was enough to make most anyone think twice about supporting women’s causes, especially those who are Christians. In addition to the march’s vulgarity and verbal violence, it also championed abortion and banned pro-life groups from officially participating. Those, like Students for Life, who dared to march anyway were spat upon, jeered, and had signs ripped from their hands. It’s no wonder a young woman from the pro-life group remarked, “If this is what feminism is, I don’t want any part of it.”

In the past several years, there’s been renewed interest among Christians to embrace feminism, spearheaded in large part by Sarah Bessey’s popular book on the topic called Jesus Feminist. To Bessey, feminism — at least Jesus feminism — is simply “the radical notion that women are people too.” And likely, there were Christians who participated in the Women’s March simply because they believe women possess equal worth and should be treated with dignity and respect.

But as the Women’s March illustrated — today’s feminism has very little to do with dignity, respect, or even promoting what’s best for women. Instead, it’s become a hodgepodge of misguided ideas and platforms drawn from feminism’s second, third, and fourth waves.

Rather than jumping on this bandwagon, Christian women should educate themselves about what feminism truly is, and then strongly resist this movement.

Read the full story HERE.


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