Month: October 2016 (page 1 of 2)

When Porn Strikes Your Family

This post is for the If I Had A Son Series.

I recently came across statistics that revealed that 2 out of every 3 men view porn online at least once a week.

One out of 3 believe they are addicted.

Those are sobering statistics. Considering that I have 3 daughters, and one day will have 3 sons-in-law, that means statistically 1 or 2 of my daughters will have to deal with these ugly monsters called pornography and/or porn addiction.


Men are 543% more likely to look at porn than females.

Even Christian homes are feeling the effects of porn. You can view an article at the Huffington Post here.

I understand from previous research that the male mind thinks a sexual thought every 7 seconds. I remember one book in which the author’s wife was utterly appalled when she read the draft of his book! I’m appalled too, but it’s important to understand that men really are wired differently that women. That’s why it’s vitally important for women to consider their own conduct as well.

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust
after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Matthew 5:28KJV

I’ve heard talk of men “bouncing” their eyes in order to keep their minds pure. Growing up hearing from men the old saying, “You can look but you can’t touch,”  and seeing filthy calendars occasionally lining garage walls and workshops, I find the idea that a man would actually honor God, his wife, and his marriage by bouncing his eyes quite impressive!

I wish that kind of God-fearing character for my future sons.

There are so many books, videos, and resources available today that no man (or woman, for that matter) needs to fight the battle alone.

Here are a list of books I have read at least a portion of:

Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
Every Young Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker
Clean by Dr. Doug Weiss
Not Even A Hint by Joshua Harris

And for the women:

Every Woman’s Battle
Every Young Woman’s Battle

Dr Doug Weiss resources:
Dr Weiss On YouTube

Our church participates with Celebrate Recovery.

And that’s just for starters. There are many more resources available. Search out God-honoring material for lasting purity.

Check out for computer and device protection or sign up through Dr Doug’s website here.

And here is a excerpt from an episode of the Bates Family’s Bringing Up Bates on UPTV where they visit the ocean. Note Nathan Bates as he says, “Our parents always try to encourage us to guard your eyes, someday your wife will appreciate it.”

So true, so true.



You may also like:

Tips For “Bouncing Your Eyes” And Counteracting Lust

All 50 States

One of my most ambitious homeschooling goals was to take my children to all 50 states, deducting as much of the trips off of income taxes as possible as we combined our trips with business opportunities.

Developing home businesses for the glory of God was another big ambition, but that’s a future blog post.

In the future I’ll be blogging about some of these trips and how I made them homeschooling adventures.


Although my youngest daughter doesn’t remember all of our trips because she was little during many of them, these are the states that all of my daughters have visited:

New York
New Jersey
Pennsylvania (Home!)
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina


Preparedness Tips From Michael And Meranda Snyder

I love this couple ~ they are so cute!

Michael is an author, speaker, and writer for several different websites and I referenced him and his wife in my previous post entitled Alternative News Junkies.

His primary site, where he posts the most important articles that he produces all over the web, is

One of Meranda’s sites is

In this video, Michael and Meranda share some of their preparedness tips.



“Farmer” Dodge Ram Trucks Commercial by Paul Harvey

My maternal grandparents were dairy farmers. The older I get and the more responsibilities of home ownership that come (and the more animals we get!), the more I appreciate how hard they worked.

They would go to bed at 11:00pm after milking the cows, only to get up at 3:00am to do it all over again.

Every day.

For years.

No vacation.

No break.

The whole farm revolved around growing food for the cows. As well as crops for selling. Not to mention the large garden that was tended with the rewards ending up in the dirt floor root cellar. Then when my mother was 9, my grandmother started working at a job off the farm too.

Not only do I think of my hard-working grandparents when I listen to the following commercial, I also remember Paul Harvey. My husband and I would listen to his Rest of the Story broadcasts nearly every day. I’m getting choked up just writing this post. His voice was so distinctive.

And he always advertised Smart Balance butter spread. My husband and I loved it on crackers. (A very cheap snack, I might add!) Every time I hear his voice I want Smart Balance crackers. Funny how that works, isn’t it?


Think A Minute Ministry

I’ve been working through my STACKS of magazines and papers for what seems like forever. This website has been brewing in me for over two decades ~ long before we had the Internet.

I have been saving articles to share for all this time, many of which I wanted to impart to my daughters. I didn’t know what form it would take, I just knew I was to save the magazines. Today, I have a scanner, a computer, and a website. I feel so blessed!

Many times I would read an article, then within a week or two I would have a conversation (sometimes more than one!) about that very topic. Many times I have made copies of articles to share with these ladies.

Often I would find health articles that I want to reference in a website article or book chapter. Or as a springboard for research.

So today, as I was going through yet another pile, I came across a February 7, 2010, Pentecostal Evangel issue that included an article about radio programs that are striving to reach the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of those ministries is Think A Minute.

It looks as though every time you visit the homepage “Today’s Thought” changes. If you like one of the thoughts, take a photo of it, bookmark it (under Today’s Thought) or copy it into Word so you don’t lose it. I like how sometimes the beginning of the thought is on the homepage, but you need to click on the link to finish the thought.

You can also access previous thoughts under the Collected Thoughts button at the top.

You can listen to podcasts here.

Check out Think A Minute here.




I Am Second ~ The Robertsons

I am a Pennsylvania country kid. A redneck.

Growing up, I wasn’t proud of being a country kid. I didn’t realize how privileged and grounding my upbringing was. I thought I was missing out on so much of what the world had to offer.

Not anymore. Now I’m proud to be a Pennsylvania country kid. I’ve realized how it has shaped and molded so much of who I am.

My parents introduced my family to Duck Dynasty. What a riot they are! My children and I used to watch them a lot and we would just laugh and laugh ~ we love them!

I was so impressed when I came across this video on YouTube with some of the Robertsons talking about their testimonies and trials.

My favorite section of the video:

Phil is talking about his sons and their wives running the company, and one of his boys comes to him and says, “Dad, you remember when you started out with that $8000 worth of duck calls?”

I said, “Yep.” They said, “This year we’re going to sell close to a million duck calls.”

“It was either dog luck, but I am giving the credit to God Almighty in Heaven for the duck call sales, the fish that were in the nets way back, for my life. I’m giving the credit to the Almighty.”

When you watch it, think about how one man bowing his knee and walking in obedience to Jesus Christ can transform his family and his future generations.


Alternative News Junkies

When my husband and I met in 1990, he was already a student of Bible prophecy or eschatology. And a history buff.

I never liked history. But I was very intrigued by the Bible prophecy that he would explain for hours. He has a gift of being able to read or watch or hear something and expound upon it. He also made history come alive for me.

Over the years we began to study alternative news sources, particularly when it pertained to eschatology, always studying the signs of the times and looking for the Antichrist and signs of Jesus’ return.

My husband and I regularly check the following alternative news and Bible prophecy sites:
(we check this site multiple times each day ~ it’s a springboard)

Lisa Haven’s YouTube Channel

Michael Snyder Websites and Articles:

Michael and Meranda Snyder’s YouTube Channel


Eyes Wide Open Disclaimer (1)


Coincidence Quote by C.S. Lewis

Just came across this quote in Focus On The Family’s Thriving Family magazine.

“For a Christian, there are, strictly speaking, no chances. A secret Master of the Ceremonies has been at work.”
~ C.S. Lewis

There are no “coincidences” when you walk with Jesus.

A Thriving Family magazine subscription is available for any donation amount to Focus On The Family, even if the donation is only for $1. You can make your donation here.


I Miss My Time With You by Larnelle Harris

Last time, I posted Love In Any Language by Sandi Patty. You can read that post here.

Ever since my friend reminded me that he was working her concert in our local area I have been thinking about that special time over 25 years ago when I was a new believer and spending so much time with the Lord and His Word, and listening to Christian radio. I had started a cleaning business and spent a lot of time alone. As an only child, I was perfectly content with that!

But I was never alone. Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Pr 18:24)

Lately, after many years of chronic fatigue, achiness, brain fog, and weariness, along with the demands of raising a family in the ADHD realm, I have struggled with focusing on the Lord like I could as a single woman. That is to be expected. I wouldn’t trade my family for anything, but I miss the Lord.

I’m trying to find creative ways to walk more closely with Him during the busyness and the tiredness of every day. I am exploring the meaning of a prayer closet and how to pray more deeply and consistently.

Along with Sandi Patty’s album on cassette I had Larnelle Harris’ album too and this song keeps rolling around in my head. We need to make more time for the One who redeemed us.


Sandi Patty’s Love In Every Language

My friend Tom helps set up and tear down for concerts in our local area and tonight he had the privilege of working Sandi Patty’s Forever Grateful final tour.

When he texted me this afternoon and reminded me about it I immediately remembered being a new believer in Christ and listening to Sandi Patty for hours. Her music always transported me to the throne room of God.

I had her Morning Like This album on cassette and listened to it over and over as I cleaned houses. It was just me and the Lord then and it was a time of great spiritual growth in my life.

And Love In Every Language was my absolute favorite song on the album and I’ve been singing it all evening!



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