You Are Special by Max Lucado | Book Review

You Are Special 3

I think I came out of the womb insecure. I remember how horrible I felt in first grade when I got glasses. How ugly I felt. My lens have always been thick, like the bottom of Coke-bottles.

When I was in high school and throughout college, I was the type of person that if you and I disagreed, I assumed you were right and I was wrong.

I became a follower of Christ at the age of 23. It took until I was really in my late 30s when a real transformation began to happen.

The Holy Spirit began to lead me to memorize verse after verse about who I was in God’s eyes. Who He created me to be. What His Word said about me.

My TRUE value. Continue reading

Michigan/Wisconsin 2018 (Part 1) ~ Mackinaw City

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As a home educating family, our vacations were always extremely full adventures with lots of opportunity for learning along the way, no matter where we were headed.

Our children eventually attended public school and two of our three daughters are now working and entering their adult years.

In July my husband and I took our first vacation as a couple without any children as we traveled to Oshkosh WI to join our youngest daughter Becca at EAAAirventure 2018, a huge aviation convention. She traveled there on her own for the EAA Air Academy, an aviation camp for young people from all across the country.

Since we had the time, hubby and I decided to explore new territory. He had been wanting to see the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for quite some time so we planned a whole Michigan adventure for ourselves.

I will say that while our time to ourselves was wonderful, it was also bittersweet for me. As a home educator at heart, I had such a strong urge to teach and share everything that I was experiencing and learning with my girls, who weren’t there. That was the only stain on the whole trip, and it is the primary reason why I want to document it here, so our girls can share the experience and learn from it.

Otherwise, it was glorious!

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Side By Side: A Lifestyle Of Togetherness

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My parents are adorable.

No really, they are!

Like many marriages, theirs started because they “had” to get married. Because they were going to have me.

Growing up, I didn’t really think much about that detail. They were just my parents. We were just a family.

Until several years ago when I had a conversation with a relative I had not seen in years. He had experienced a lot of family challenges growing up, but had given his heart to Christ and had broken free of many of his family’s spiritual strongholds.

He too knew the basics of my parents beginnings and in the conversation he made the comment, “You know, they didn’t start out under the best of circumstances but together they made a marriage, they made a home, they made a family, and they made a life, and that spoke volumes to me.”

I had never thought of it like that before but that is EXACTLY what they did! Continue reading

Love And Respect by Emerson Eggerichs

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I have spent most of my adult life harboring a lot of negativism toward men. This was modeled by most of the women in my life growing up. Often times it was displayed in a good-natured way. Often times irritably.

No one really thought much about it.

But once I grew up and became a Christ-follower, it became apparent that it was not the biblical way to interact with men. Continue reading

Samsung Is Taking Mind Control To A Whole New Level

I was appalled the other day when I read an article over at All News Pipeline entitled George Orwell Meets ‘The Matrix’ At Samsung.

I will let the following quotes from the article speak for themselves: Continue reading

Phillips, Craig, and Dean Concert Surprise!

It’s not always easy for me to find things to surprise my husband with. Not only are our lives fairly integrated, but I’m not good at keeping secrets!

I’m usually bursting at the seams because I’m excited that I actually found something to surprise him with!

But this time I succeeded! Continue reading

Have You Ever Heard Of 5G?

As students of Bible prophecy, my husband and I have a keen interest in studying the news from a biblical worldview.

We believe we are barreling headlong towards the Book of Revelation and it has been fascinating to watch components come together to usher in the system that will be used by the Antichrist.

We’re always looking at trends and the overall “big picture” and how news events and technology play a role in the end times.

For those of us with smartphones, we know that sometimes we lose signal, or the signal is low, which slows our access to the cellular internet down considerably. My phone usually says “LTE” at the top, which tells me I should have no problem accessing the Internet. As soon as it switches to 3G, I know my Internet connection will be slower and I’ll need to practice patience.

If you are really interested in understanding more about Internet connectivity you can read about it HERE.

In a nutshell, “G” stands for “Generation.” First we had 2G, then 3G, then 4G. The LTE that I have is a little different and is explained in the above linked article, but basically think of it as 4G.

Enter 5G.

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Your Name by Paul Baloche


The Brain And Nervous System In Fibromylgia

It’s all in your head.

How many times have you heard that one?

Or how many times has it been implied?

Those of us suffering with chronic illness have probably heard it from those around us more times than we can count. Or the implication that we’re making up our symptoms.


Or at least the way they are implying it: that it’s all made up and you aren’t suffering.

I just stumbled across this article on Pinterest linking fibro to the brain. It’s a simple read. (A blessing with those with fibromyalgia pain and headache.)

To the suggestions in this article I would add herbs for the brain and herbs for the nervous system. I am currently having tremendous success with the herb skullcap for nerve damage pain and discomfort from shingles suffered several years ago. I make a tincture out of it and take it 1-3 times per day.

Here are a few google search pages to get you start:

Herbs For Fibromylgia

Herbs For The Brain

Herbs For The Nervous System

In addition:

Fibromyalgia And The Brain

How To Make A Tincture

Research is beginning to show that fibromyalgia (FMS) is not a rheumatologic syndrome, but rather a neurological one. As a result, it is finally recognized that the root causes of FMS, while still a mystery, are based in the nervous system rather than joint or other tissues.

It also means that the brain and the nervous system will be central to understanding and managing the symptoms. Not only are there the obvious physical symptoms, like pain, but there are more subtle symptoms that affect your ability to concentrate and otherwise think clearly. We will go through various symptoms and their connection to the nervous system and brain sensation in patients.

Read the rest of the article here.


Don’t Throw In The Towel

We all know what it’s like to want to give up. Those of us in the chronic illness realm especially struggle with balancing our ambitions with our bodies that don’t want to cooperate.

I was at that place of giving up when I went to bed last night.

Giving up on this website. Giving up on striving to have a home business so I can be available for my family. Giving up on trying to create a pay-to-access, Christian-based, chronic illness life coaching website, using my illness for the glory of God.

Giving up on what I know God wants me to do to serve Him with my life.

If I just give up, all the aggravation of trying to get all the components to work correctly all at the same time would just go away. A huge burden would be lifted.

But I would be disobedient and I would disappoint my Heavenly Father.

I read the following scripture passage late last night. Let’s not give in to giving up, but press on toward the prize.


Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin.
As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.
For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.
They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you.
But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead,
so that they might be judged according to human standards in regard to the body,
but live according to God in regard to the spirit.

The end of all things is near.
Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:1-11 NIV
(Emphasis mine)

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