For the last several years I have been seeking God for wisdom in the area of feminism manifesting in my life.

What is the Biblical model for femininity? Show me any wrong attitudes toward men that have accumulated over the years. How can I develop a less “independent” spirit while becoming more “capable?” What is within my jurisdiction as a wife to manage and what is my husband’s responsibility?

It is such a confusing time to be a Christian woman today. Women my age grew up with the feminism from the sixties infiltrating and indoctrinating us that we can do a man’s job, and we don’t need a man.

Now those same women are working full time, carrying a man’s load, missing precious time with their children, and often times (if their husbands are still around) babysitting weak, effeminate men who are cracking under the responsibilities of life. Or worse: dealing with angry, abusive men.

Easy access to porn and the public undressing of our girls is giving men a distorted view of women. Women are being trained to think their value comes from the positions they hold in the workforce. And the spiritual assault on the family is unprecedented.

And at the end of the day, women know something is wrong and they don’t know how they should respond to it. What should they do to break the cycles?

I don’t have all the answers to these dilemmas, but I just came across a wonderful article in the April 2014 issue of Infowars magazine written by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones entitled, “10 Ways True Feminism is Under Attack: The Real War On Women.” It is a real eye opener. Ladies, we have been duped!

As I list each bullet point from the article in the posts ahead, I will be sharing what came to my mind as I originally read the article.

Part 1:

Feminism is a top down social movement controlled by the political class which is exploited to promote cultural marxism, confuse gender roles, denigrate men and mislead women – all while completely ignoring genuine women’s rights issues. Here are ten ways in which true feminism is under attack.

1 – Feminism Was Hijacked By The Political Class To Exploit Women
When the average person thinks of feminism, they don’t differentiate between first wave feminism and second wave feminism. First wave feminism was primarily centered around giving women the right to vote and the right to own property. No one would argue with first wave feminism being a noble cause. However, second wave feminism was quickly hijacked by the elite as a tool for social engineering and has little to do with women’s rights. A quote often attributed to Adolf Hitler is, “First you get the women, then you’ve got the children, so follow the men.” By hijacking feminism, the establishment succeeded to a great extent in making women more dependent on the state.

As the late Aaron Russo revealed, the women’s liberation movement was also hijacked by the elite as a method of revenue generation. Russo was told directly by Nick Rockefeller that the Rockefellers bankrolled feminism not because they had any interest in women’s rights but because it meant that by getting more women in employment quicker, the state could collect more tax dollars. Rockefeller also told Russo that this served the dual purpose of getting children in school at an earlier age, enabling them to be indoctrinated into accepting the state as the guardian, breaking up the traditional family model.

Isn’t this where we as a society live today?

First – let’s start with first wave feminism. Never once since I became a Christian have I ever felt I had less valuable to God because I was a woman. Even as I have strived to learn true Biblical submission to my husband as my head, it was never because I felt like a second class citizen. In fact, I have grown by leaps and bounds during this process in my understanding of who I am in Christ.

The Proverbs 31 woman ran businesses, produced income, and bought property. She is worth far more than rubies!

Second – let’s look at gender confusion! Aren’t our people (particularly our young people) tremendously confused about gender? (Not to mention sexual orientation!) How many times have we seen boys or girls and we don’t know if they are a boy or a girl. But Heaven forbid if you refer to them as “he” or “she” and get it wrong! These confused people put others in the position of being just as confused as they are about their gender! Something is terribly wrong, yet these individuals are as precious to God as you and I are.

I Corinthians 14:33 tells us God is not the author of confusion.

Third – women in the work force. I am outraged that the words “traditional,” “old-fashioned,” and “homemaker” have become dirty words in this society. What has happened to my country?! I am so thankful I had parents that placed a very high degree of value on my mother’s place in the home as a homemaker. She truly is a HOME MAKER. I will be sharing a lot on this blog in the days ahead about the legacy my mother is leaving in this regard. She was always there. You will never find a better care-giver than my mother. Her role in my life and my father’s life has been invaluable – you could NEVER put a price tag on it!

Over the years I have met many dear ladies who have cried on their way to work after leaving their precious children in the care of others. My heart would just break inside with them. I’ve come to understand that not every woman was gifted to have a mother like mine and it lit a fire in my belly to exhort mothers in their precious role of motherhood. No one needs to tell them what the most important role in their life should be. They know it instinctively.

Fourth – Many women are dependent on the state because they have done a disservice to themselves by making ungodly choices or have become single due to their husbands infidelity or lack of commitment. Now, I am thankful for any way that women can feed their children and if food stamps or reduced school lunches are needed for a time, (unless Godly convictions prevent you) use them. Use them as a leg up, as a blessing. Give glory to God for them. Pray over every meal, every snack. Help others where you can. No guilt. But recognize that the state wants you dependent on it as much as possible, so strive to become fully dependent on God

Lastly, for years I have been watching the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child with grave concern. You can learn about it at I am so outraged at where this country is headed regarding the state wanting my children and usurping my authority over them. I will be sharing more in this area on future blog posts. It makes my blood boil!

Here is a video for you. It will especially rankle homeschoolers! Maybe I’d understand where she is coming from if I had a public school mentality, but I have a homeschooler’s mentality and I DON’T like how the state is methodically infiltrating and undermining the family and stealthily prying my children from my hands. I will be sharing more on this in the future.

Melissa Harris-Perry – All Your Kids Belong To Us

Where are the real men? Men who don’t cower from responsibility? Men of action? They are still out there! Stand up!

Where are the women who are willing to embrace their God-given ability to nurture? They are still out there! Stand up!

We need to fight this, one family at a time!


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